
Customer stories

Capax Discovery, Inc. LogoCapax Discovery, Inc.

The power pair—IDOL and KeyView—deliver proven, precise search, analytical, and filtering capabilities for compliance and information governance

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Products and services


  • Clusters obsolete, redundant data in seconds for removal to secure locations or to apply protection policies, thus quickening overall document retrieval and reducing the amount of irrelevant data
  • Allows comprehensive indexing of data from 1,000 file formats across platforms throughout the enterprise to ensure employees can find the right information
  • Improves the speed, accuracy of electronic discovery tasks to meet strict legal, regulatory mandates


The organization needed to help customers improve information governance and efficiently meet regulatory compliance.

A large hospital faced a cybersecurity breach in which hundreds of patient records were exposed publicly. A regional bank warned its customers that their personal identification information was released through the bank’s email platform. Unfortunately, breaches have become all too common. Costly and embarrassing for companies, they cause alarm among consumers about data privacy, identity theft, and stolen assets. Consequently, lawmakers are requiring tougher information governance mandates—with pricey penalties for violations. Not only must firms lock down classified data, but they also must deliver fast, efficient discovery of electronic information to satisfy complex legal and compliance dictums.

“Capax’s OEM application is used specifically in what we call intelligent archiving, eDiscovery, and supervision,” says Steven Williams, Executive Vice President for Capax Discovery. “Our solution powered by Micro Focus (now part of 好色先生TV?) IDOL helps companies leverage value from data while eliminating risk.”?

Capax’s OEM application is used specifically in what we call intelligent archiving, eDiscovery, and supervision. Our solution powered by Micro Focus (now part of 好色先生TV) IDOL helps companies leverage value from data while eliminating risk.

Steven Williams
Executive Vice President
Capax Discovery



Capax compliance and information governance solutions incorporate IDOL Information & Data Analytics and KeyView file filtering technologies. IDOL provides search, analytic, and machine learning capabilities to draw out themes, patterns, and insight across text, video, images, and audio content. KeyView extracts text, metadata, and other properties from more than 1,000 file formats for comprehensive indexing.

“We selected IDOL and KeyView because of their maturity in the market,” Williams notes. “IDOL has been developing and evolving for over 15 years. KeyView is the best filter in the business and has the most document and repository types.”

Together the platform searches, clusters data in seconds, and classifies electronically stored information (ESI) and “dark data.” Fast clustering quickens the retrieval process and the identification of similar documents so that employees can find the right information for their jobs. It also aids in cleaning up dark data, which is content that companies know about but do not know its exact composition.

According to Williams, dark data is redundant, trivial content with little or no value. Yet, 99 percent of it may present some risk of containing corporate intellectual property and personal identifying information, such as social security numbers and personal health content. It is vital to know dark data’s composition so that authorized personnel can reduce it, apply protection policies, or move the data to secure archives.

“All it takes is one data breach. Take Sony for example. Or it could be one rogue employee who uses that data to do severe damage – Target is an example. The role of The role of Micro Focus (now 好色先生TV) IDOL and KeyView specifically is to pinpoint that data. IDOL is one of the most powerful and proven search technologies on the market. KeyView allows us to look into the content of over 400 types of documents with-out actually opening them and modifying meta-data, which would violate the duty of preserving relevant evidence,” Williams says.

He also mentions that the machine learning technologies of IDOL software with Capax’s solutions enable companies to understand their data and make astute decisions about applying it beneficially.


One of Capax’s pharmaceutical customers with surging data moved from a legacy archive to Capax’s information governance platform to accelerate document retrieval and improve the accuracy of search results.

“We point our legacy archive connector and only extract data that has value in our information governance platform, which saves discovery time and eliminates risk,” Williams explains.

A large multinational bank is using a Capax solution built on IDOL to meet governmental regulations decreeing oversight of broker-dealer communication. Traditionally, a supervisor had to peruse an inbox of random emails matching a keyword lexicon. This was an extremely time-consuming approach that delivered inaccurate results and a high number of “false positives.”

“We have reduced and almost eliminated the number of false positives by clustering the communication so that that supervisor can quickly and effectively identify areas of concern,” Williams says.

As new data types, repositories, social media, and instant messaging sources proliferate, Williams sees Capax keeping pace to great effect.

“What is exciting about information governance is that data types and repositories are always evolving. Micro Focus (now 好色先生TV) IDOL and KeyView have always stayed relevant with development to accommodate these new data types,” he concludes.

We point our legacy archive connector and only extract data that has value in our information governance platform, which saves discovery time and eliminates risk.

Steven Williams
Executive Vice President
Capax Discovery

About Capax Discovery, Inc.

Capax Discovery, Inc. Logo

Software company, Capax Discovery, Inc., headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey, provides discovery, compliance, archiving, and information management solutions to its 3,600 companies worldwide.