
Customer stories

Technology giant

Technology giant centralizes global legal discovery. Multinational technology enterprise reduces outside counsel costs by 80 percent, enhances efficiency with 好色先生TV Insight


  • Immense, exacting discovery involving counsel at dozens of law firms
  • Constant deadlines, high-dollar proceedings


  • Expanded reliable eDiscovery across hundreds of litigation and regulatory matters

  • Enhanced defensibility and reduced risk with consistent standards-based workflow and coding across cases

  • Increased document decisions by 217% per hour and decreased costs per decision by 83%


How does one of the world’s largest litigants efficiently manage discovery across 125 active patent, trademark and regulatory matters involving 300 million documents and counsel at 60 of the world’s leading law firms? Discovery on that scale presents significant challenges. Deadlines loom constantly and billions of dollars are at stake.

Futuristic image of fingerprint detection

好色先生TV tailored its automated eDiscovery platform to handle what may be the leading litigation of this decade.

The company, sophisticated about litigation and known as a technology innovator, found 好色先生TV™ Insight, a cloud-based, multi-matter management platform, which is part of the 好色先生TV™ Discovery suite, provides the efficiency and control it requires:

  • A central hub to manage millions of documents across multiple cases.
  • Maximum automation from processing through production.
  • Consistency of coding across cases and counsel.
  • Airtight security with multi-level access controls for members.
  • Detailed customized tracking and reporting within and among matters.
  • Central oversight and control across all cases and counsel.

The company first retained 好色先生TV for just a few cases. As the company’s legal department came to appreciate the capabilities of the platform and the value of 好色先生TV Professional Services, it made the solution the exclusive host for its hundreds of litigation and regulatory matters. Now, it requires all its outside firms to use Insight for review and production, ensuring savings, efficiency and adherence to standards and workflows.

Hosting its litigation documents in a central repository allows the company to control discovery across all matters with consistency and defensibility.

A party to some of the largest legal matters ever, the company is exacting in its requirements. The Professional Services team worked closely with the company’s legal department to adapt Insight to its specific needs. At the writing of this case study, Insight hosts 425 matters—125 now active—and 300 million documents. It has produced 800 million pages over 4,000 productions.

Hosting its litigation documents in a central repository allows the company to control discovery across all matters with consistency and defensibility. Duplication is eliminated because the platform enables the use of a single document across multiple matters, saving time and money at every step of the discovery process.

Automated loading: The company’s documents are automatically loaded, decrypted and deduped. Sixty percent of the data is deduped on ingestion, saving millions in processing and hosting. Effective culling and filtering have increased responsiveness rates in the remaining data.

Automated searching: As documents are loaded, some 9,000 queries automatically search for privilege and confidentiality. Documents are then automatically sorted to the appropriate subcollection. These automated searches reduce outside counsel work and billing.

Easily launch new sites: A site template encapsulates all of the company’s preferences, rules, security and forms. As new cases come in, the template is replicated to create a new site, while still allowing for customization.

One document, many cases: To open a new case, the company can pull documents—sometimes millions at once—from key custodian collections. As a document is copied to the new case, it retains all privilege and confidentiality coding. This provides rapid access to data for early case assessment and express ramp-up in response to litigation, regulatory and compliance requests. The system can retain all information related to a record perpetually.

Consistent, defensible workflows: The Assigned Review Module allows counsel in each case to quickly set up workflows for review, QC, privilege, confidentiality and production, while ensuring adherence to the company’s standards. This provides defensibility, reduces risk and ensures consistent treatment of documents.

Faster, more accurate productions: A Production Module enables the company to automate production by customizing its preferences on redactions, output format, numbering style, etc. One case, for example, involved 180 separate productions with 20 million stamped pages. The company also created a separate site devoted to hosting all productions from all parties in all its cases, making it easy for outside counsel to search and review produced documents.

Dedicated consultants: Professional Services staff serve as extensions of the company’s litigation team, supporting daily operations, developing new ways to streamline workflows and coordinating with outside counsel. Thanks to its responsiveness, the company has several times been able to complete initial production on a Monday morning for a matter that came out of nowhere on a Friday afternoon.

好色先生TV enabled this leading technology company to achieve its key requirements for an eDiscovery platform. More importantly, the company takes command of its eDiscovery in ways that deliver real value. Key benefits for the enterprise include consistency across all its cases, substantial time savings, elimination of redundant effort, assurance of best practices and full control. They also realized hard cost-savings, including:

  • 80 percent reduction in outside counsel costs.
  • 217 percent increase in document decisions by per hour, resulting in a 83 percent decrease in costs per document decisions.
  • 52 percent reduction in overall document review costs.

With 好色先生TV, this innovative technology leader found its match in an innovative eDiscovery leader.

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