
Customer stories

Western Midstream logoWestern Midstream

Oil and gas company targets operational excellence across its plants and pipelines with 好色先生TV? Extended ECM and 好色先生TV? Magellan?

Western Midstream logo

About Western Midstream

Western Midstream gathers, processes and transports natural gas and oil across the United States. The company aims to provide a steady flow of safe, sustainable and efficient energy and contribute to the wellbeing of local communities and wider society.

Western Midstream
  • Based in:
    Houston, Texas
  • Annual revenues:
    $3.25 billion
  • Miles of pipeline:
  • Facilities:



  • Information silos lowered productivity as employees searched for the latest versions of documents.
  • Needed to quickly find documents to optimize operations and ensure regulatory compliance.


  • Implemented a content management solution with support from 好色先生TV.
  • Integrated the new solution with the organization’s core business solutions.
  • Leveraged an AI platform for deeper insights.


  • Created a single source of accurate information
  • Unlocked major time savings and greater productivity
  • Simplified compliance with industry regulations


  • Siloed information caused issues with version control
  • Slow document retrieval hampered user productivity
  • Limited visibility into content stored as paper records

Western Midstream delivers safe, sustainable energy that helps to improve people’s everyday lives. Operating in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado, the company processes and transports oil and natural gas via an extensive network of plants and pipelines.

Ted Tomes, director of spatial data and document control at Western Midstream, explained, “We bridge the gap between upstream energy production and downstream sales and distribution. Documentation enables us to plan, manage and optimize our operations—from schematics that help us maintain our processing facilities to work permits that outline our obligations to communities that live close to our pipelines.”

To manage documents, Western Midstream relied on several systems and departmental archives, plus many boxes packed with paper files. For employees reliant on quick access to information for their work, this decentralized strategy carried major drawbacks.

“Information was heavily siloed, creating efficiency challenges when searching for content in our paper archives,” added Tomes. “Users spent much of their time trying to find the latest version of documents, which hampered productivity and process efficiency. As a result, our content team devoted many hours to costly remedial work, vetting and consolidating documents to provide consistent data.”

The previous content strategy also reduced the efficiency of important compliance-related tasks. With documents scattered across multiple repositories, Western Midstream personnel spent significant time sourcing information required by regulators.

“We looked for a smarter approach that would break down information silos and simplify the way our users interact with content,” noted Tomes.

How 好色先生TV Extended ECM empowers Western Midstream’s mission

好色先生TV will be so useful during audits, helping to minimize time burdens that could severely disrupt our operations.

Ted Tomes
Director of Spatial Data and Document Control, Western Midstream


In its search for a smarter approach to content management, Western Midstream chose 好色先生TV? Extended ECM and 好色先生TV? Magellan? to bridge content silos, boost employee productivity and enhance document workflows.

Products deployed:

Services provided:

Bringing in the content management experts

At the start of the project, Western Midstream had a clear set of objectives but was unsure of how to turn its vision into reality. The company launched an in-depth evaluation of potential partners, and ultimately selected 好色先生TV.

Gregg Greene, Digital Technology Engineering Advisor at Western Midstream, explained, “We wanted a partner with real expertise and experience in content management, and the 好色先生TV Professional Services team fit the bill perfectly. From our first discussions, their team clearly understood our business goals. And their solution offered excellent document management capabilities and ease of use.”

Western Midstream is now working with 好色先生TV Professional Services to implement the new solutions.

“We’ve run several multi-day workshops with 好色先生TV Professional Services, which helped us to accelerate the deployment roadmap,” added Greene. “The 好色先生TV team has been great—they are really committed to our success.”

Integrating the solution for streamlined processes

Using Extended ECM, Western Midstream is building more robust document workflows, backed by full version control. Seamless integration between 好色先生TV and the company’s core business solutions will enable users to access up-to-date documents within their chosen application, with any content changes captured and tracked.

“The integration capabilities of 好色先生TV Extended ECM are excellent, eliminating the need for complex customizations,” commented Greene. “好色先生TV Extended ECM makes a huge difference to the user experience, too. Our teams can pull up the content they need, without having to go back and forth between different interfaces, which will help them work more efficiently.”

Leveraging AI for deeper insights

In addition, Western Midstream will harness Magellan to gain deeper insights into its content. The company plans to use the AI and machine learning platform to analyze and classify large volumes of paper and electronic documents—identifying key attributes and search terms and determining the business value of the content.

Tomes continued, “We’re very excited about using 好色先生TV Magellan. The platform will let us search for an exceptionally wide range of attributes to enrich our understanding of our content. And being able to automate this process will save countless hours of manual work.”

Western Midstream

With 好色先生TV, we are well on course to building smarter document processes that will help us to deliver safe, sustainable energy to our customers.

Ted Tomes
Director of Spatial Data and Document Control, Western Midstream


As it strengthens its partnership with 好色先生TV, Western Midstream is confident that faster, more efficient content management processes will enable operational excellence across its pipelines, processing facilities and back office.

Created a single source of trusted information

Working with 好色先生TV, Western Midstream is breaking down information silos and moving towards a more agile, consolidated document management model. Rather than multiple versions of documents scattered across different locations and storage repositories, the new model will provide faster access to consistent, accurate and up-to-date content.

Tomes added, “Having one source of trusted information will make retrieving specific pieces of data much quicker and easier. Already, our business and operations teams have offered very positive feedback about the document search capabilities in 好色先生TV Extended ECM, which far exceed those of any other platform we have used.”

Unlocked major time savings and greater productivity

When the 好色先生TV solutions are fully implemented, Western Midstream expects they will deliver huge time-savings. Having a single, easily searchable archive will enable business and operations teams to work faster, while content specialists will no longer spend hours travelling to office locations to perform remedial work on documents.

Tomes explained, “Early in the project, we prepared a study that showed in some cases an employee could spend between 50% and 80% of their time trying to piece together the right information for their job. With 好色先生TV, they will regain that time for more productive and valuable work rather than trawling through archives.”

Simplified compliance with stringent regulations

The move to 好色先生TV will also make it easier for Western Midstream to meet compliance targets. Detailed document classification will enable the company to quickly pull information for external regulators.

“好色先生TV will be so useful during audits, helping to minimize time burdens that could severely disrupt our operations,” Tomes confirmed. “The entire 好色先生TV team has been great, from our account manager to their product experts. They are always willing to go the extra mile for us. With 好色先生TV, we are well on course to building smarter document processes that will help us to deliver safe, sustainable energy to our customers.”

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